Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mobile Test

This is the first post from my iphone. I downloaded the app BlogPress in order to post blog entries directly from my mobile phone. The developers of BlogPress advertise their app to be the easiest way to blog from a mobile device.

I write directly from my second work place Pizza-Blitz. I applied for a job as pizza delivery guy a few weeks ago, in order to earn money for my stay abroad. The money earned is directly transferred to a banc account specially created for the mentioned purpose.

Pizza Blitz on a lazy afternoon. May 1st 2011

This post is mainly a test on how this tool works, that is why I also inserted a picture and tried to change the font to italics in some parts of the text.

Made on my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. OK, meeting on August 10th. I'll send you the offer as soon as I'm there. Cheerio
